Category: Back and Neck Pain

Jul10th 2023

5 Tips For Increasing Energy and Decreasing Chronic Pain

You know how limiting pain can be if you live with it. Fortunately, you can reduce your discomfort while also raising your energy levels by making a few simple lifestyle modifications. When you combine these exercises with your physical therapy treatments, you may help yourself heal from discomfort and achieve the physical goals you’ve set

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Feeling off balance? Physical therapy can help! Apr10th 2023

Feeling Off-Balance? A Stronger Core Can Help Steady You

Do you sometimes feel off-balance, or like you just can’t get your footing under you? There are several reasons why this might be happening, and a weak core is one of them. A weak core might make you feel unbalanced and shaky. Physical therapy can help you strengthen your core and improve your balance as

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Jan20th 2023

Is Your Posture Suffering? Physical Therapy Can Provide Improvements!

If you find yourself struggling to sit up straight on a daily basis, you most likely have an ongoing posture issue. It is common for back pain to develop as the result of poor posture. If your posture is not correct, it can cause stress on other parts of your body, resulting in pain, inflammation,

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