Category: Wellness

May20th 2020

Physical Therapy: The Key to Overcoming Hip and Knee Pain

Do your weight-bearing joints feel more like pain-bearing joints these days? If you have a hip or knee that just can’t support your body weight without causing annoying aches or agonizing pains, you may be unable to perform your job, play sports, handle household tasks, or even find a comfortable sitting or sleeping position. These

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May11th 2020

So You’ve Been Having Back Pain… Could it be Caused by a Herniated Disc?

If you’ve been experiencing back pain, it just may be a herniated disc. A herniated disc can put extra pressure on the muscles and nerves around the spinal column. Symptoms may include, pain on one side of the body, pain that radiates to the arms or legs, aching, burning sensations in the affected area and

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Aches and Pains Jan6th 2020

The Best Treatment Method for Solving all of Your Aches and Pains

The older you get, the more aches and pains are bound to become an issue in your life. A rough day at work, a long day outside with the family, an unexpected injury—anyone of these factors could contribute to aches and pains throughout the body that may seem to never really give you a break.

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